Haunted Christmas Attraction Beckons Horror Fans in Tampa and Orlando

Haunted attraction Sir Henry’s Haunted Trail is pleased to announce their second spooky Christmas event. The winter season haunt will feature two holiday-themed scary trails, escape games, common area scare actors, holiday treats, special merchandise, and much more at an affordable price.
The Haunted Christmas event will be open to the public the second and third weekends of December, with advanced online ticket purchase required prior to visiting. Parking is included in the cost of admission, which ranges from $25 per person, up to $35 per person for front-of-the-line upgrades. Links for tickets and event information are both available on the Sir Henry’s Haunted Trail website.
“I was blown away by the response to our first haunted Christmas event last year,” says Zach Glaros, the owner of the Plant City FL horror theme park. “There is no doubt that there is a giant demographic of haunt and horror fans who live in the Orlando and Tampa areas, and we are glad that our little corner of Florida feels like a second home to them.”
Sir Henry’s Haunted Trail is family friendly, with parental guidance suggested for those under 13. Hours for the Haunted Christmas event range from 6:30PM to 9:30PM, or 6:30PM to 10:30PM, depending on the night and pending any heavy weather conditions.

Admission for entry is only available online for advanced purchase before coming to the event - fans can choose a designated time to avoid event overcrowding. A portion of each ticket sale, as always, will be donated to the organization Folds of Honor.
A portion of sales from all copies of “Sir Henry’s Haunted Tales” and “Sir Henry: Love’s Revenge” - whether sold on Amazon or at the attraction’s gift shop - will be also be donated to Give Kids the World for the entirety of December. Fans will have access to brand new seasonal merchandise at the Swag Shop, as well as being able to purchase tickets to the common area games, the escape games, and having the ability to upgrade to front-of-the-line “express” passes the night of the event, pending availability.
Trail # 1: "Slay Bells" - Once a place of happiness and merriment, the North Pole has become a place of chaos and terror. As more and more children choose to stop believing in Santa Clause, the magic is being slowly drained away. Mr and Mrs Claus have sunk into a dark depression, and can't seem to find motivation to get out of their cabin. Leaving the North Pole to the elves, who have become insatiable with anger. Who do these kids think they are? After all that Santa has done for them? Well no more - the elves are taking their revenge. Lumps of coal is just child's play compared to the plans these elves have. They are burning down the North Pole and taking all the non-believers with them. Will you survive the horror that now reigns at the North Pole?
Trail # 2: "Krampusnacht II" - The Sullivan children are the most spoiled kids in town. Every Christmas, they look down upon the less fortunate and parade their new toys around for all to see, while calling the penniless children names in a cruel fashion. This year, the town's children have begged and pleaded for Santa to give the Sullivan children lumps of coal, but someone else has heard their pleas. On Christmas Eve, the entitled children wake to strange sounds coming from their living room, and thinking that it's Santa, they jump out of their beds. Instead, they find that Krampus has come to punish the family. He even brought along his merry band of miscreants to ensure that they learn their lesson. The screams can be heard from miles away, and there is no escape for the Sullivan family. Will Krampus get you, too?
OFFERINGS: Included with general admission is free parking, two trails (one trip per trail), main area with character encounters, plenty of photo opportunities, and a centerpiece performance. Port-o-potty restrooms and handwashing stations provided outside of the front gate for guests. Discounts for group sales are available.
UPCHARGES: Light food offerings, merchandising, two escape rooms, laser tag, ticket upgrades, and axe throwing.
Some additional draws of Sir Henry’s are not only the convenient location right off of I-4, but also free parking and accommodating staff. There is not a bag policy in place, but the staff at Sir Henry’s ask that you please not bring any concealed weapons, that there be no filming/lighting/photography on the trails, and that you please keep your smoking outside of the main guest area (past the entry gate on the parking lot side).
Wheelchair-using fans will be provided assistance coming through the trail. The event is outdoors, so wearing closed toe comfortable shoes and bringing an umbrella or poncho will provide a better experience. Those sensitive to strobe lights or have sensitivities to artificial fog should speak to guest services before attending the event. Adult supervision for those under 13 is advised and the event may be too intense for such young individuals.
Please do not visit Sir Henry’s if you have been exposed to COVID-19 or are having any COVID-19 symptoms, as well as any cold or flu symptoms. Guests who harass or touch our scare actors, or knowingly cause harm to other guests while visiting, will be trespassed from our event
Promo trailer for our Christmas event https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYYMrWZsOLI
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